Xiaoguang (Benjamin) Wang

123 Morwick Drive · Hamilton, ON, CANADA · L9G 5A2 · fridaymonday@hotmail.com

I work at UYUN. I did my Ph.D. in Computer Science at University of Ottawa under Professor Stan Matwin. I was co-advised by Professor Nathalie Japkowicz. My research interests include machine learning and applications of AI, as well as other use cases.


I used to work at Alibaba DAMO academy as an AI research scientist. After that I worked as the chief scientist in UYUN. Since 2015 me and my team has implemented dozens of AI projcets, including AIOps, Zhima credit, Intelligent city, and so on.


My research focus on imbalanced learning and multiple instance learning. Here are githubs about these two topics:


For a complete list, see Google Scholar.

Articles published or accepted in refereed Journals

Papers in refereed conference proceedings

Book Chapters
